Garage Services in Poole

AKD Auto Services is a family run garage providing servicing, repairs and diagnostics for all makes of cars, vans, light vehicles, passenger vehicles and goods vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes.


We are located in Poole but MOT, service and maintain the vehicles of customers throughout Dorset, Poole, Wareham, Blandford Forum, Wimborne, Ferndown, Bournemouth and Christchurch.

MOT testing

We are a VOSA approved MOT test centre; Class 4; cars, motor caravans, 3 wheeled, quads, dual purpose, PSVs, goods vehicles, private passenger vehicles, ambulances and taxis, Class 5a; private passenger vehicles (13-16 seats), ambulances (more than 16 seats) and Class 7; good vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes).

MOT Test Class Description
Class 3 Three-wheelers (up to 450kg ULW)
Class 4 Cars (up to 8 passenger seats), Motor caravans, Three-wheelers (over 450kg ULW), Quads, Dual Purpose Vehicles, Taxis, Private Hire vehicles and PSV (up to 8 passenger seats), Goods vehicles (up to 3000kg DGW) and Ambulances
Class 4 Private Passenger Vehicles and Ambulances (9 – 12 passenger seats)
Class 5a Private Passenger Vehicles and Ambulances (13 – 16 passenger seats)
Class 5 Private Passenger Vehicles and Ambulances (more than 16 passenger seats)
Class 7 Goods Vehicles (over 3000kg up to 3500kg)

We challenge you to find any garage in Bournemouth and Poole that provide vehicle MOTs cheaper than us, just £40!!

Van and Mercedes Benz Specialist

We specialise in car and van mechanics, diesel vans, goods vehicles and Mercedes Benz manufactured vehicles. The owner has a wealth of experience having previously been head of servicing at Pentagon Mercedes Benz Limited.

Our garage servicing unit complete with customer reception waiting area boasts a 4 post, 5 tonne and a 2 post, 4 tonne vehicle lifting ramp, as well as a rolling road to assist with MOTs, servicing, vehicle diagnostics and tuning.


About Us

AKD Auto Services was launched in early 2007 and is located in Newtown Business Park, off Ringwood Road, Parkstone, Poole. The garage is owned and run by me, Kevin Dart, ably assisted by my two sons Jay and Luke.

Opening times

8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday
8am – 1pm, Saturday

Contact Us

AKD Auto Services Limited
26 Newtown Business Park
Ringwood Road
BH12 3LL

Telephone: 01202 743148
Mobile: 07892 966762
Fax: 01202 746859

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